
Validation occurs as the result of dispatching validation actions, such as actions.setValidity(model, validity) or actions.setErrors(model, errors). That action updates the form validity and error state of your model, and allows you to:

  • validate any part of the model state (however deep),
  • validate any key on that model (such as { required: true, length: false })
  • call validation only when the model has been updated.

Simple Validation

Suppose you are validating ''. At any point, you can dispatch actions.setValidity() to set the validity of that model on your form state:

import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';

function emailIsValid(email) {
  // terrible validation, I know
  return email && email.length > 0;

// in the connected component's render() method...
const { dispatch, user } = this.props;

<input type="text"
  onChange={(e) => dispatch(actions.change('', e))}
  onBlur={() => dispatch(actions.validate('', emailIsValid))}

Multiple Validation Keys

You can also get more specific with validation by returning an object with validation keys. The API is the same -- this time, we'll use the excellent validator library to help us.

Note: React Redux Form can work with any validator function library!

import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';
import validator from 'validator';

// wherever validation is occurring:
dispatch(actions.validate('', {
  required: (value) => value && value.length,
  valid: validator.isEmail

Updated Form State

Here's what happens when you set the validity of a model, via dispatch(actions.setValidity(model, validity)):

  • The .errors property of the model field is set:
    • if validity is boolean, .errors = !validity. If valid, .errors = false, and vice-versa
    • if validity is an object, .errors is set to the opposite of each validation key (see example below)
  • The .valid property of the model field is set:
    • .valid = true if the validity is truthy or if each validation key value is truthy
    • .valid = false if the validity is falsey or if any validation key is falsey
  • The .valid property of the entire form is set:
    • .valid = true if every field in the form is valid
    • .valid = false if any field in the form is invalid

Here's an example:

import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';

// wherever validation occurs...
const { userForm, dispatch } = this.props;

dispatch(actions.setValidity('', {
  required: true,
  isEmail: false
}); // user entered email but email is invalid;
// => false;
// => { required: false, isEmail: true }

// => false

Async Validity

There are multiple ways you can handle setting validity asynchronously. As long as a validation action such as setValidity() or setErrors() is dispatched, the validity will be updated. It's generally a good idea to dispatch setPending(model, pending) to indicate that the model is currently being validated.

Here's a solution using an action thunk creator (with redux-thunk):

// username-actions.js
import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';

export function checkAvailability(username) {
  return (dispatch) => {
    dispatch(actions.setPending('user.username', true));

    // some asynchronous validation function that returns a promise
      .then((response) => {
         dispatch(actions.setValidity('user.username', {
           available: response.available

         dispatch(actions.setPending('user.username', false));

Alternatively, the asyncSetValidity(model, validator) action thunk creator does the above by using the done callback as the second argument to validator(value, done):

import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';

// wherever validation occurs...
const { user, dispatch } = this.props;

dispatch(actions.setAsyncValidity('user.username', (value, done) => {
    .then((response) => done({ available: response.available });

If you are working with promises, the submit(model, promise) action will automatically set the .errors of the model field if the promise is rejected:

import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';

// your custom promise
import checkUsernamePromise from '../path/to/promise';

// wherever dispatch() is available...
dispatch(actions.submit('user', checkUsernamePromise));

Validation with <Field> component

The <Field> component accepts a few validation-specific props:

  • validators - an object with key-value pairs:
    • validation key (string) and
    • validator (function) - a function that takes in the model value and returns a boolean (true/false if valid/invalid)
  • asyncValidators - an object with key-value pairs:
    • validation key (string) and
    • validator (function) - a function that takes in the model value and the done callback, similar to asyncSetValidity(value, done)
  • validateOn and asyncValidateOn - event to indicate when to validate:
    • "change" (default for validators)
    • "blur" (default for asyncValidators)
    • "focus"

Here's an example with the above email and username fields:

import { Field } from 'react-redux-form';
import validator from 'validator';

// in the component's render() method:
<Field model=""
    required: (val) => val && val.length,
    isEmail: validator.isEmail
  <input type="email" />

<Field model="user.username"
    required: (val) => val && val.length
    available: (val, done) => asyncCheckUsername(val)
      .then(res => done(res.available))
  <input type="text" />

Custom Error Messages

Similar to how the validators prop and setValidity() action works, you can use the errors prop and setErrors() action to indicate errors. Keep in mind, these should express the inverse validity state of the model. This means that anything truthy indicates an error.

Disclaimer: I do not recommend hard-coding error messages in your validators. Messages are view concerns, and a simple boolean true or false is more than enough to indicate the validity of a model. When in doubt, use validators and/or setValidity.

Here's how the setErrors() action works:

import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';
import validator from 'validator';

// wherever dispatch() is available:
dispatch(actions.setErrors('', {
  invalid: (val) => !validator.isEmail(val) && 'Not a valid email',
  length: (val) => val < 8 && 'Email is too short'

If a form reducer exists for 'user', this will set various properties of the state:

// Assuming a long but invalid email:;
// => false;
// => { invalid: 'Not a valid email', length: false };
// => { invalid: false, length: true }

Error validators can be defined in the errors prop of both the <Form> and <Field> component, as well:

import { Field } from 'react-redux-form';
import validator from 'validator';

// inside a render() method, assuming a userForm:
let { userForm: { fields } } = this.props;

return (
  <Field model=""
      invalid: (val) => !validator.isEmail(val) && 'Not a valid email',
      length: (val) => val < 8 && 'Email is too short' 
    <input type="email" />
    { ! &&
      <strong>{ }</strong>

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