Errors Component

<Errors />

The <Errors /> component provides a handy way of displaying form errors for a given model.

// in render...
<Field model=""
  validators={{ isEmail, isRequired }}>
  <input type="email" />

<Errors model=""
    isRequired: 'Please provide an email address.',
    isEmail: (val) => `${val} is not a valid email.`,

By default, <Errors /> will display a <div> with each error message wrapped in a <span> as children:

  <span>foo@bar is not a valid email.</span>
  <!-- ...other error messages -->

There are many configurable props that will let you control:

  • when error messages should be shown
  • custom error messages based on the model value
  • the wrapper component (default: <div>)
  • the message component (default: <span>)

Errors Component Props

model prop

(String | Function) - the string representation of the model path to show the errors for that model. A tracking function may be provided, as well.

messages prop

(Object) - a plain object mapping where:

  • the keys are error keys (such as "required")
  • the values are either strings or functions.

If the message value is a function, it will be called with the model value.


<Errors model=""
    required: 'Please enter an email address.',
    length: 'The email address is too long.',
    invalid: (val) => `${val} is not a valid email address.',
  }} />


  • The messages prop is a great place to keep custom error messages that can vary based on the location in the UI, instead of hardcoding error messages in validation fuctions.
  • If a message is not provided for an error key, the message will default to the key value in the field .errors property.
    • This means if you're using setErrors or the errors prop in <Field> to set error messages, they will automatically be shown in <Errors />.

show prop

(Any) - The show prop determines when error messages should be shown, based on the model's field state (determined by the form reducer).

It can be a boolean, or a function, string, or object as a Lodash iteratee.


  • show={true} will always show the errors if they exist
  • show={(field) => field.touched && !field.focus} will show errors if the model's field is touched and not focused
  • show={ {touched: true, focus: false} } same as above
  • show="touched" will show errors if the model's field is touched


  • For the greatest amount of control, use show as a function.
  • Use show as a boolean if you want to calculate when an error should be shown based on external factors, such as form state.

wrapper prop

(String | Function | Element) - The wrapper component, which is the component that wraps all errors, can be configured using this prop. Default: "div".


  • wrapper="ul" will wrap all errors in an <ul>
  • wrapper={(props) => <div className="errors">{props.children}</div>} will render the specified functional component, with all the props from <Errors> and some computed props:
    • modelValue - the current value of the model
    • fieldValue - the current field state of the model
  • wrapper={CustomErrors} will wrap all errors in a <CustomErrors> component, which will receive the same props as above.

component prop

(String | Function | Element) - The component, which is the component for each error message, can be configured using this prop. Default: "span".


  • component="li" will wrap all errors in a <li>
  • component={(props) => <div className="error">{props.message}</div>} will render the error message in the specified functional component, with these props:
    • modelValue - the current value of the model
    • fieldValue - the current field state of the model
    • children - the error message (text).
  • component={CustomError} will wrap the error in a <CustomError> component, which will receive the same props as above.

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