Form Reducer

formReducer(model, [initialState])

Returns a form reducer that only responds to any actions on the model or model's child values. The reducer's state has the shape of initialFormState, with a fields property where each field has the shape of initialFieldState.

If provided an initialState, the form reducer will initialize its fields based on the initialState.


  • model (String): the model whose form state (and child field states) the reducer will update.
  • initialState (any): the initial state of the model


import { formReducer } from 'react-redux-form';

const initialUserState = {
  firstName: '',
  lastName: ''

const userFormReducer = formReducer('user', initialUserState);

let formState = userFormReducer(undefined,
  actions.change('user.firstName', 'Bob'));

// => { touched: true, pristine: false, dirty: true, ... }


  • It's a good idea to always provide the initialState for the form reducer. That way, you don't have to check if a field exists before trying to access it.
  • If a field doesn't exist yet (because it wasn't initialized), you can either:
    • check that it exists; if not, return initialFieldState (which you can import)
    • or just getField(someForm, 'model.string') which does the above.

getField(formState, model)

Returns the field from the formState if the field exists (has been initialized).

If the field doesn't exist, the initialFieldState is returned.

Arguments formState (Object): the form state as returned by the form reducer. model (String): the string model path to the field inside the form model, if it exists.


// Assuming userForm is a form state, where the
// 'user.foobar' field does not exist yet

// => will throw error

getField(userForm, 'foobar').pristine;
// => true (uninitialized - no error)


All initialized fields are set to this initial field state:

const initialFieldState = {
  blur: true, // will be deprecated
  dirty: false, // will be deprecated
  focus: false,
  pending: false,
  pristine: true,
  submitted: false,
  submitFailed: false,
  retouched: false,
  touched: false,
  untouched: true, // will be deprecated
  valid: true,
  validating: false,
  viewValue: null,
  validity: {},
  errors: {},

If an initialState (model state) is passed in as the second argument to formReducer(model, initialState), then the .initialValue prop will be part of that initial field state.


import { formReducer } from 'react-redux-form';

const initialUserState = {
  firstName: '',
  lastName: ''

const userFormReducer = formReducer('user', initialUserState);

// userForm.fields.firstName now contains:
// { ...
//   initialValue: '',
//   ...
// }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""